The gallery is nice now.
Up to this point, the gallery on this website was just a place where I dumped pictures and left them, and if you happened to visit, it was on you to figure out what you were looking at. Well, we were in Boston this weekend for some things, which gave me the opportunity to update and organize the gallery! I don’t know how exciting that actually is for people, but it is very exciting for us. This blog has basically become a journal that’ll allow us to look back on this whole process, so we can remember how precious little we knew when we started and how many precious lessons we’ve been force fed along the way.
I have not been the best at remembering to take pictures, but moving forward I’ll be better, because now I know they have a nice cozy destination here where they’ll be seen and appreciated. Be sure to click the button below to subscribe so that our little notes end up in your inbox. Thanks friends!